What am I Thankful For?

Aw, jeez. So so much. If I had to list them...


1. New York City, baby. I think just by being born in New York, you are given a certain permission to be yourself and follow your passions. So, thank you New York, for encouraging total freedom of expression, for being my home, for allowing me to build Loulette here, and for providing a community for everyone and anyone. 

2. Loulette Brides!

 It is not lost on me how lucky I am to be captain of the Loulette Dream Boat. To meet the coolest, most inspirational women who appreciate and admire my work so much, and then give me the ridiculous HONOR to create a garment for them to wear on their actual wedding day?! That shit blows my mind. Thank YOU, my Loulette Brides. You make my world go round. Literally.

3. Friends, family, the best husband, the cutest dog, yada yada yada.

4. YOU. Yes, YOU!

I can’t help but get a little heavy, and think about how truly thankful I am for how WE, a young and vibrant generation of designers, creatives, tech nerds, entrepreneurs, environmentalists, and artists are changing the fucking world.

We are unapologetically calling out the mistakes of the past, and reinventing, reimagining, and straight up destroying the status quo. We are demanding that the dominant brands, businesses, and bureaucracies give us transparency and accountability. And if they don't start doing things the right way, we create a brand, business, or movement to shake shit up, and prove that we can do it better. It’s pretty cool to watch, and even cooler to be a part of it.


With that ridiculously bold send-off, we wish you and yours all the love this Thanksgiving. 


xo, Marteal

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