What You NEED on Your Wedding Day!

L O U L E T T E . L O V E . L E T T E R


  • EAT and HYDRATE! It’s easy to forget when you have a million things, but make sure you take care of yourself!

  • Have a steamer! Ask your venue or planner if they have one, or be prepared to bring your own!

  • If you have an organza gown, bring static spray

  • If your gown is crepe, be sure to cut out the hang ties before the wedding so you don’t see them in any photos

  • Double check all of your accessories! Be sure to triple check you have your shoes, and all earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, ETC. Keep them in your garment bag to keep everything in one place.

  • Triple check ALL undergarments! Nude seamless panties are your best bet!

  • Practice the bustle - after putting your gown on, have a friend practice the bustle so that it is easy when you need to pin up your train!

  • Never a bad idea to have a handful of safety pins, a needle and white thread, and a stain stick just in case!

  • Your must-have toiletries: deodorant, period products, perfume, tequila, whatever you need!

  • Be sure to stop every now and again and enjoy the moment!

Marteal Mayer