Bridal + Body Image

L O U L E T T E . L O V E . L E T T E R

We understand the stress and triggers that may come with shopping for a wedding dress.

In this Loulette Love Letter, our Sales Director Jillian bravely shares her own personal journey with body image and disordered eating, and explains why and how we create a safe space when you come to Loulette Bride.

My Journey with Disordered Eating

Growing up, I always had a pretty good relationship to food-meaning I didn’t really think about what or when I ate. Then, junior year of high school, I was cast as Cassie in A Chorus Line. I automatically dropped a ton of weight just from my VERY high activity level, and the feedback I received from this weight loss was pretty wild.

EVERY person (and I truly mean EVERY PERSON) in my life commented on how INCREDIBLE I looked. I had gone from “cute” to “gorgeous, stunning, beautiful, and skinny.” I had gone from a size 4 to a 00 UNINTENTIONALLY, but it became the topic of almost every interaction I had.

Thus began a 15 year battle with disordered eating. It started as anorexia, turned to bulimia, and then orthorexia (obsessive dieting). My entire life revolved around how I looked, what I ate, and how much I exercised.

I thankfully began healing my disordered eating during the summer of 2021. As with most things, this journey is NOT linear, but I have finally begun to love and accept my body in its natural state.

It has taken a lot of healing and strength to arrive at where I am today. I have learned to say FUCK YOU to the the wellness industry, to “influencer” culture, to diet culture, and to the patriarchy as a whole.

Now, working as your Bridal Stylist at Loulette, my own journey has informed me as to how to create the most comfortable space for our brides.

Loulette is a Safe Space

I wanted to share the cliff notes of my story to let you all know that when you come into Loulette, we create the SAFEST space possible for each bride. We make sure there is no toxic bullshit as you are exploring and trying gowns on, and do not allow any negative commentary in our space.

Focus on FEEL

We NEVER steer the conversation into how your body looks, but rather focus on how you FEEL. Under no circumstance will there be conversation about dieting or exercising, ever. Ever. Ever.

 ANY Size for ANY Body

Our samples on our racks are made in a range of sizes, so everyone is able to try on our samples. For your own dress, we take your body measurements to create a gown made for you, exactly as you are.

Let us Know

You can always reach out to us and let us know if you are recovering, and we will be extra sensitive when taking measurements and throughout the alterations process.

As someone who has been there, I approach this subject matter with empathy and care. As your Bridal Stylist, it is my mission to be on your team, and make you feel as safe and seen as possible at Loulette Bride!


Cant wait to see you and yours at Loulette Bride!

xo, Jillian

Book Your Appointment at Loulette Bride

We can’t wait to play dress up with you!

At Loulette Bride, we pride ourselves on the experience: coming into our Brooklyn bridal oasis, seeing where your dress is actually made, meeting with our designer, sipping champagne with your nearest and dearest, while trying on our gorgeous gowns.

I can't recommend the experience & the dresses enough. I absolutely love being a Loulette Bride!” - #realloulettebride Jackie

 Book an Appointment 


 Questions? Comments? Contact us! 

Marteal Mayer